Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Too much Valentine?

So the hubster and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. And it's not because "everyday is Valentine's Day!" -- seriously, gag. If/when I celebrate Valentine's Day, it's not to share it with that special someONE, it's to let my friends know that they mean a lot to me. 

And it also coincidentally coincides with the hubster's birthday. Well, his birthday falls just a couple of days prior, but that's close enough. And this year in particular, the 14th was shared with Lunar New Year (of which I am fully aware of and alert to, yet not a big participant of). So with both the birthday (and birthday party on the 13th), and Lunar New Year (and all the preparation, celebration and traffic jams around my neighborhood), Valentine's Day was kind of forgotten. 

Until I went to Party City to pick up some of those little fuel canisters for the chaffing dishes. The moment I stepped into the store, I wanted to turn and run. Is there such thing as "too much Valentine"?

Photo doesn't quite do it justice - it was a SEA of red and hearts. Good thing the balloons were all mylar or else I would have needed a medic.

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